Most of the states, including Lithuania, establish consular posts that are headed by honorary consuls. These posts are set up in addition to diplomatic representations that are lead by ambassadors and consular posts that are headed by career consuls. Ratified by many countries, the 1963 Vienna Convention on Consular Relations is the main international document that regulates category, class, status, duties, rights and privileges of consular officers.
Functions of honorary consuls consist in:
promoting friendly relations between Lithuania and the receiving state, advancing the commercial, economic, cultural, scientific and educational relations;
protecting the interests of the citizens and legal persons of Lithuania, as well as providing them with necessary assistance in the consular district;
representing Lithuania at public events and meetings;
cooperating with Lithuanian citizens and the diasporas in the receiving state;
performing other functions that are necessary for developing the cooperation between Lithuania and the receiving state, and for the protection of the interests of the citizens and legal persons of Lithuania in the consular district.